
22 March, World Water Day: AIA Life Designers has for several years been dedicated to designing environmental infrastructures

22 March was World Water Day.

AIA Life Designers has over recent years been dedicated to designing environmental infrastructures. The “city’s remains” (waste and fluids), water and its circuits, their influence on the urban metabolism, are just some of the subjects which are part of our debate on urban development for better health in the section #ResourceTown.

With SUEZ, SIAAP and Syctom, the French agency for household waste, we are leading major projects to help towns and cities.
However, isn’t the best existing resource one which is not produced?

We are also leading this debate with the AIA Foundation.
Water is a common resource.

This week in the press: the Ivry-sur-Seine plant.
Thank you to Le Moniteur Bernard Reinteau and @transfomag Martial Lorenzo